The gear bay liner has been installed and the retract has been temporarily
installed to check all clearances. Note the addition of 3/8” triangle stock to
the gear mounting plate. Not visible here is the small opening that has been
cut into the servo cable tunnel tube between W4 and W5 to accommodate
the retract pneumatic line.
Revisit all rib and sheetg joints with a
bead of Aliphatic Resin glue.
38 The bottom sheeting requires a differ-
ent approach. To hold the wing in the
correct position and avoid altering the
wash out, three jig pieces are used to
support the assembly while the bottom
sheeting is installed. Locate and assem-
ble the sheeting jigs from sheet #39.
They are designed to support the wing
in the correct position when located at
W2, W8 and W13. Tack them to the
bench to help stabilize the assembly.
RIGHT: The wing jigs for installing the bottom
sheeting. They will support the wing assembly
and prevent changes in wash out during the
sheeting procedures.
39 The landing gear mount (LGP) is lami-
nated from two 1/8” aircraft ply sec-
tions. Use pin registry and assemble the
landing gear plates. Locate the holes for
your gear and drill for the blind nuts.
Keep your gear leg as short as possible
(retract should be as close to wheel well
as possible). Use four #6-32 blind nuts
in the landing gear plate. Note that they
will have to be trimmed so they do not
hang over and interfere with the retract.
Install the modified blind nuts and then
using Epoxy, glue the gear plate as-
sembly into place. Back up all rib/plate
intersection on the top side with trian-
gle stock or scrap balsa for additional
Top photo shows the landing gear plate (LGP) being assembled on the reg
istry pins. Below, the finished landing gear plate ready to install. Note that
the blind nuts have been trimmed so they do not interfere with the retract
when installed.