Your model won’t be complete without the Top Flite
Focke-Wulf Cockpit Kit (TOPQ8411). It includes
the floor, side panels, instrument panel, seat,
headrest and hardware. The cockpit kit can be
installed after the fuselage is completed, but is
easier to install if you have it on hand during
construction. Should you choose not to install the
scale Top Flite Cockpit Kit, you could leave the
cockpit empty or make your own cockpit from
balsa or thin cardboard (from cereal boxes.)
Top Flite also offers a 1/7 scale WW II American
Full Body Pilot (he could be painted in German
flight gear!). The order number is TOPQ9000.
The model on the kit box was covered with dove
gray Top Flite MonoKote
film, then painted with
Testors Model Master Acrylic paint followed by a
clear-coat of Top Flite LustreKote
flat clear. A
painted finish is the only way to reproduce the spray
painted camouflaged “patchwork” trim schemes
found on full-size Focke-Wulfs. If you do decide to
paint your model, the balsa skin must first be
covered either with MonoKote film, glass cloth and
resin, or another type of covering. Refer to the
Finishing section near the back of the manual for
more details that may help you decide how to finish
your model. Since you don’t have to finish it today,
there is time to seek the advice of experienced
builders in your club who can give you tips on how
to prep, cover and paint a balsa model.
If you prefer not to do the work required of a
painted trim scheme, you may find a simpler scale
trim scheme, or make up your own scale-
appearing trim scheme simply by covering the
Focke-Wulf with a few of the
military MonoKote
colors such as dove gray, olive drab, cream, tan,
sky blue, insignia blue and black.
These items are required for
landing gear:
CJM Focke-Wulf retractable landing gear
Robart #164G Hand Pump with Gauge
Williams Bros. #143 3-3/4" Smooth Contour
Wheels (WBRQ1143)
Servo for the air control valve (micro or mini
servo preferred)
Light weight glass cloth to reinforce wing
sheeting in wheel wells (HCAR5000)
(8) #6 x 1/2" screws (GPMQ3160, pkg. of 8)
These items are required for
landing gear:
3-3/4" Main Wheels
(4) 3/16" wheel collars (GPMQ4308)
The Focke-Wulf is designed to incorporate scale
split flaps; however,
flaps are optional
for an excellent flying experience.
Without flaps, the takeoff roll is longer and the
landing speed is faster.
Flaps are not difficult to build, but they do require
good craftsmanship to fit well. Flaps add nicely to
the model’s flight characteristics and scale
appearance, and are highly recommended for
those who wish to install them. You will find
additional information on the use of the flaps in the
Flying section near the end of this manual.
For Flaps, you will need the following additional
Two standard servos
(1) Y-connector (HCAM2500 - Futaba
(6) Small Pivot Point Hinges
(GPMQ4001, pkg. of 15)
A Top Flite header and muffler are available that
will fit inside the cowl. They are designed for
2-stroke engines mounted inverted as used on the
model and shown in the instructions.
Headers for
.61SF, SX
- TOPQ7920
.61-.75 K series
(muffler bolts
go through the muffler and screw into the
engine) - TOPQ7925
SuperTigre .61-.75 G series
(muffler bolts go
through the engine and screw into the muffler)
- TOPQ7926
.61-.75 Warbird In-Cowl Muffler
, TOPQ7915
There may be other exhaust systems that will work
with this model. If you prefer to use another
exhaust system, consider any modifications that
may have to be made to accommodate it. It may
be helpful to get your exhaust system as soon as
possible and place it over the plan to visualize how
it will fit. This will minimize delays when you get to
that point.
You may build your Focke-Wulf with either fixed or
retractable landing gear. The pre bent landing gear
wires are included to build the kit with fixed gear.
Should you decide to install retracts, detailed
instructions are provided. The Gold Edition Focke-
Wulf is designed to accept the Century Jet Models’
#39025 pneumatic retracts. You may use other
retractable landing gear systems but it is up to you
to make any modifications necessary. A micro
servo was used in the prototype to operate the air
control valve. A standard servo could be used for
this, but will take up a bit more room.
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