10. Adjust the metal clevis so the rudder will be
centered when the tail gear is centered.
11. After you mount the control horn to the rudder,
remove the control horn. Use a pin to poke several
holes in the balsa in the area of the control horn.
Apply a few drops of thin CA to the screw holes and
to the area of the pinholes to harden the balsa for the
control horn.
12. The same as you did the tail gear pushrod,
prepare the
elevator pushrod
from a .074" x 36"
threaded one end pushrod with 3/8" bushings cut
from the inner pushrod tube. Connect the pushrod to
a nylon clevis and a large nylon control horn. Mount
the control horn to the elevator with two 2-56 x 5/8"
screws and the nylon mount plate on the top of the
elevator (see the elevator cross-section on the plan).
13. Remove the elevator horn. The same as the
rudder, poke several holes in the rudder base block
in the area of the horn and apply a few drops of thin
CA. Sand smooth, then temporarily mount the
elevator horn.
Finish the turtle deck
1. Glue together both shaped 1-1/2" balsa
forward turtle deck blocks
2. Cut the forward turtle deck pattern from the
plan. Use a ballpoint pen to trace its outline onto the
forward turtle deck block. Draw a centerline down the
top of the block as well.
3. Glue the forward turtle deck block to the top of
the cockpit deck. Use a razor plane followed by a bar
sander to shape the block to match the outline you
drew on the front. The block blends to the fuse in the
rear. It’s a little tricky to carve, because the shape of
the fuse changes angles at the base of the block as
shown in the sketch. Don’t final shape the forward
turtle deck block until you fit it to the canopy in the
following steps.
4. Use curved-tip scissors to trim the molded ABS
machine gun cover along the molded-in cutlines. The
cutlines are most easily seen from the inside. True the
edges with a bar sander and 80-grit sandpaper.
Temporarily hold the machine gun cover to the fuse with
masking tape. Note that the aft edge of the machine
gun cover aligns with the middle of former F-6B.
5. Trim the clear molded canopy along the molded-
in cutlines. True the edges with a bar sander and 80-
grit sandpaper. Test-fit the canopy to the fuse. The
front edges of the canopy should join the aft edge of
the machine gun cover. Trim both pieces as
necessary for a good fit.