6.1.1 RS-232 Interface Operation
Connection between TH1953/63 and a computer shown as figure:
RS-232 Connection Sketch
As can be seen from the above figure, the pin definition of this instrument is the same as that of the 9-pin
connector serial interface pin used by the IMB AT compatible machine. Users can use the double-core shielded
cable to make a three-wire connection cable (the length should be less than 1.5m) or buy the serial interface cable
between the computer and the instrument from our company.
When making the connection cable, Pin 4 and 6, pin 7 and 8 should be shorted respectively at the computer
Sending and receiving data format
TH1953/63 uses full-duplex asynchronous communication transmission mode with start bit and stop bit. The data
transmission format of RS-232 is: 8-bit data bit, 1 bit stop bit, no parity bit. The end character is <LF> (newline,
ASCII code is 10).
Selecting Baud Rate
The baud rate is the rate at which Model TH1953/63 multimeter and the computer communicate. Choose one of
these available rates:
Factory default baud rate is 9600.
Before you choose a baud rate, make sure the programming terminal that you are connecting to the TH1953/63
can support the baud rate you selected.
Configure the serial communication