Another example would be to use the X:=Value modifier to program/adjust a Trancegate.
Next to the usual Gate > Volume Modulation Matrix way of setting up a trancegate Saurus
now also includes the option to use a value modifier on your trancegate.
The advantage of using a modifier in this case is that it will allow you to manipulate the
type of gate, e.g. a smoother or harder type of volume cut.
The following steps will describe how to set this up:
1. Open Saurus
2. In the File menu select INIT ALL to reset all synth features to their default state
3. The first thing we want to do is to setup our Gate, Inside the ARP section click on
the Arp/Gate label to show the arp and gate, at the bottom left of this section click
on the off label to open the menu; in this menu select Gate Trigger, what this does
is use the Gate section triggered on key press.
The Gate section itself is made up of 16 steps, each step (currently set at -100)
represents a value that can be adjusted from -100 to +100 and used to modulate
whatever is linked to the Arp/Step+- and Arp/Step+ inside of the Modulation Matrix
For this example let's go for a classic type of gate, you can see the gate's layout in
the picture below, you'll also note I've set the amount of BPM to 2, no particular
reason it just sounds better.
Next we'll setup the Modulation Matrix:
5. Click on the Matrix1 label to display page 1 of the ModMatrix
6. Let's begin by routing our modulation source to the X:=Value modifier, on line 1
select Arp/Step+- as our modulation source, for our modulation destination we
select X:=Value, set the value slider to 100+
7. The next thing to do is to assign a type of modifier to the intended destination, in our
case that would be the Volume. Go to line 2 of the matrix, select Filter(X) as the
mod source and Volume as the destination, set this slider to 80+.
Содержание Saurus