ARF: Install the servo in the servo opening.
We recommend the use of a designated
servo frame. Use a wire to route the servo
cable through the servo openings. The green
6-pole MPX plugsystem is used to connect
the fuselage.
Connect the aileron rods (50mm) to the rud
der- and servo horns (outer servo). Make
sure that the rudder is placed in neutral po
sition during right-angled position of the ser
vohorn. If needed, adjust the rods.
ARF: Install the servo in the servo opening.
We recommend the use of a designated
servo frame. Use a wire to route the servo
cable through the servo openings. The green
6-pole MPX plugsystem is used to connect
the fuselage.
Pay attention to a proper cable guide. Stash
the excessive length of the leads away in the
cable conduits.
The linkage of the flaps is realized by a cross
over connection through the surface of the
wing. Therefore the rod (length 78mm) must
initially be connected to the bottom side of
the flap servo and routed through the upper
side of the wing in order to be connected
with the flap`s rudder horn. If the servo horn
is positioned in a right-angle (neutral posi
tion), the deflection of the flap should read
approximately 15mm downwards.