Install the enclosed aluminum clamping cone
to the motor shaft. Tighten the screw nut ca
refully because of the aluminum thread. Ins
tall the spinner.
Again, please ensure that the rudder is
placed in neutral position during 90°-positi
on of the servohorn. If that is not the case,
adjust the rudder position by adjusting the
length of the clevis rods. Connect the clevis
12 mm off the servohorn`s pivot point.
Use velcro tape on the bottom of the fusela
ge to fix the receiver and all wire leads in the
rear cut-out of the battery board.
Now connect the ESC (electronic speed con
troller) to the three motor wires and to the
designated output of the receiver. Check the
correct running direction of the motor (clock
wise rotation in flight direction). Use velcro
tape or fixing foam to mount the ESC to the
front part of the battery board. If necessary,
secure the wire leads so that they can’t get
into the motor.