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Testing Procedure
Initial Inspection and Testing
Confirm power to be connected is the required DC voltage.
2. Power Supply 12V DC is available.
3. Ensure polarity of the voltage supply is correct.
4. All electrical connections are correct.
5. Loose cables are clipped or tied up.
Dockside Tests
1. Turn steering wheel fully clockwise and visually check that moving
(mechanical) parts do not foul;
2. Repeat step 1 for anti-clockwise.
3. Return Steering to centre.
4. Switch on AP47 Autopilot system.
5. Press arrow button to operate steering in that direction
6. Check that rudder moves in correct direction
7. Check Rudder direction follows change request
Check Course change provides sufficient Rudder movement
9. Check magnetic heading display on AP47
10. Return steering to centre