W W W . T M G I N D U S T R I A L . C O M P 9 / 1 9 T o l l F r e e : 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 6 1 - 2 8 1 9
Step 3 : Put up the front (1
) truss
Use of a crane or forklift is recommended, otherwise a team can use ropes to
lift the trusses, but you have to make sure it is safe, and have enough
manpower. We recommend 3 to 5 people to pull the truss up from different
directions. When the truss is up, tie the ropes to the heavy objects to make sure
the truss will stay upright and use bolt (#18) to connect the truss to the
baseplate on both sides (picture 5).
Parts used in this step : (4) Half round head bolt (#18)
Picture 5