1. Open the REEF-Cam App
2. On the “Camera List” page select
“Add Camera”.
The REEF-Cam
App will now
search your WiFi
network to find
available cameras.
3. If there is a REEF-Cam WiFi Hub
connected to your local WiFi then it will
appear in the list of available cameras.
Select the new camera you wish to
connect to.
4. Name the camera as required and then
enter the factory password “admin” or
your own password if you have set one up
(see above).
To confirm, press
please note:
If you enter an incorrect
password select the camera again and
re-enter the correct password.
nEtWorK connEction - adding a nEW camEra to Your local nEtWorK
REEF-Cam instructions v1-2016_Layout 1 11/08/2016 11:23 Page 10