172-65230A-06 (LV6) 23 May 2019
Principles of air and condensate discharge:
1. Start-up air and cold condensate discharge
When the system is cold before the supply of
steam, the X-element is in its contracted state
and the valve is open. This allows for the rapid
discharge of large quantities of air and cold
condensate through the open valve, thus
reducing start-up time.
2. Closed position
When the discharge of initial air and cold
condensate is completed, steam flows into the
trap. This raises the temperature of the interior
of the trap, causing the thermoliquid inside the
X-element to expand. The valve remains open
as the temperature inside the trap approaches
the inlet steam pressure
’s saturation
temperature. When the temperature reaches a
point slightly below the saturation temperature,
the valve closes.
3. Condensate discharge
With the influx of condensate, the X-element is
cooled, causing the valve to immediately open
and discharge the condensate. Additionally,
the X-element responds with great sensitivity
to the temperature difference of air that is
close to saturation temperature and discharges
the air rapidly.