Declaration of Conformity
TKR Spezialwerkzeuge GmbH
Am Waldesrand 9–11
58285 Gevelsberg, Germany
Person authorised
to compile the technical
Thorsten Weyland
Equipment type:
Pneumatically operated
granule jet blasting device
Type designation:
PG 5-8
The product is developed and constructed
in accordance with the UK legislation and
designated standards by
TKR Spezialwerkzeuge GmbH
Am Waldesrand 9–11
58285 Gevelsberg (Germany)
Serial number range:
Applicable UK legislation:
Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008
UK Designated Standards:
EN 614-1:2006+A1:2009, EN ISO 4414:2010,
EN ISO 13849-1:2015
As manufacturer, we declare:
The products marked accordingly fulfil the
requirements of the directive and standards listed.
Gevelsberg, 28:06:2022 Thorsten Weyland
Technical Director