OK. Yo u've now tested your Analog TV a nd de mo nstrate d you can get FREE TV
signals without cable of sate llite. Now get ready
you are abou t to discover the
wonderful world of FREE Digital T V!
Before we get st ar ted, here are a few easy technica l terms you will need to know:
What is Ana log Tel evision?
Until recen tly, virtually all TVs in the USA we re de signed fo r Ana log Television.
Analo g TV signals we re de signe d in the 19 40s, long be fo re computer technology
existed . Analog TV is based o n an old standard called
. Compared to Digital
TV signa ls, t he An alo g picture is f uzzy and very inferior to Digital TV. Th is is why
the US Government decided to t urn off Analog TV signals in 200 9.
Analo g TVs ca nnot re ceive Digital TV sig nals. There are o nly 3 ways to see digital
TV signa ls on your Analo g TV:
1 . You must have a Digita l TV set . Your Analog TV cann ot receive th e
amazing wor ld o f digital t elevision
2 . You must have a Digita l TV tune r. Tivax is a Digital TV tuner.
3 . You must pay for cabl e or satellite ( re member
cab le a nd satellite will not
show you man y of the FREE signals yo u can receive with your Tivax).
What is Digital Television?
This is th e new broad cas ting standard. Digital TV signals are based on a new
standard called ATSC. In early 200 9, all Analog TV signals will be tur ned off .
This is Fed eral Law. Under the new Federal Law, cable and satellite may not be
required to provide you access t o all the FREE digit al signals. Eventually, you
will get some of these signals, but n o one knows for sur e when this will happen.
It could be many more years bef ore cable or satellite decid e to give you access
to all FREE Digital TV sig nals.
Digital Televisio n is very exciting and offers too m any features to be listed here.
However, your Tivax Set Top Digit al Re ceiver gives you the ability to enjoy mo st
of these ad vantages on your Analog TV set!
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