Tivax Set Top Box User Manual - Let's Get Started!
Congra tu la tions on purchasi ng your Tiv ax Set To p Box!
Now you ca n st art to rece ive the amazing world o f Digita l Te levi sion on you r
analog TV.
First plea se r ea d t hese simple que stio ns.
Question #1:
Ans wer:
W hat is a Tivax Set To p Box?
It is a special re ceiver th at int erprets FREE Digital TV signals in to
a nalog TV s igna ls.
Question #2:
Ans wer:
If I can get ABC
or CBS
on my ca ble or sa te llite , why do I
n eed a Tivax?
Be cause you are o nly gettin g a FRACTION of the FREE signa ls.
Cab le a nd satellite p ro vid ers a re no t requ ired t o g ive you all FREE Dig ital
TV sig nals. Why should they? You mig ht b e ve ry pleased with bette r qua lity
FREE Dig ital Televisio n. Tha t's th e se cret many peo ple do n ot know.
Tiva x gives you imm ediate ac cess to FREE Digita l Television sig nals
a t no extr a co st!
Question #3:
Ans wer:
If I a lready h ave cable or sat ellite , do I st ill n eed a Tiva x to
receive th e FREE Digita l Te levisio n signals?
Unl ess yo u have a Digital TV set, YES. Don 't wo rr y. You can
com bine you r Tiv ax with yo ur cable or satellite receive r. We'll sh ow you ho w.
Question #4:
Do I need an antenna to receive FREE Dig ital television signals?
Yes. Digital TV is just like old-fashioned Analog TV, only better.
Yo u still need an a ntenna to get the signal. Just about any antenna wi ll do,
but an ant enna de signed f or Digita l TV is b etter. While so me antennas are
better than others, it also depends on whe re you live. If you cann ot receive
Analog TV signals, you will not be able to get Digital TV signals. This is very
im portant as your Tivax will not work.
Ho w do I test my TV to see if I can use m y Tiva x?
This is very ea sy. Simply disconnect your An alog TV from yo ur cable
o r satellite receiver. Connect t he antenna to your Analog TV. If you can
rece ive a picture, your Tivax will work. Don't wo rry if the p icture is n ot perfect.
That's a not her specia l feature of Digital TV. It's BETTER! Digita l TV signals
d on't ha ve the same problem s Analog TV sig nals d o. T ha t's why this n ew
st and ard is so mu ch better!
Ques tion # 5:
"pdfFactory Pro"
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