1711 West University Drive, Suite157
Tempe, AZ 85281
480-894-8452 or 1-800-85-TITUS or
Drop The Bomb. You want to hit it and hit it big? Switch between 4.5" and 6" of rear wheel travel,
run up to 3" tires, and still have a triple chainring to get up the hills. All cartridge bearings provide
smoother-than-butter performance, with 4 mega-sized bearings at the main pivot for solid, reliable
tracking no matter how hard you're hitting what's coming at you. Check out the limited edition
"OnePointFive" model for the hardest core of the drop-in set.
The Quasi-Moto is the most versatile bike ever made. We start with a front triangle that can take
anything that you can dream up. Freeride, Downhill, Jumping, this bike can handle it all. You can
even run the bike with anything from a 4"-7" travel fork- Single or Dual crown. The travel adjust
feature allows you to switch between a 4.5" trail bike setting or 6 plush inches of the highest quality,