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Ref: SKU 233
Blue LED
(see LED operations
LED indication
PCB Push Button
Multi-colour user LED
(see LED operation
Ensure sensor orientation and
battery polarity is correct when
Figure 1.0
Do not insert the sensor battery until the device is ready for
commissioning and the WAC/Co-ordinator is powered up
and available to pair with the wireless sensors.
If there are several sensors that need commissioning onto
the same network then these should be powered up and
paired one at a time.
When the sensor is initially powered up with the battery
inserted it will be un-paired and the multi-colour LED
will flash Red every second. This shows that the sensor is
searching for an available network and attempting to join/
Implementing Base Device Behaviour (BDB), if no network is
found after power up, the sensor will sleep for 60 seconds
before attempting to search for an available network again.
If no network is found in the first 10 minutes, the sensor
will extend the sleeping period from from 60 seconds to 5
minutes in order to preserve battery life.
Once the sensor has joined the network the LED will
operate as below.
Multi-Colour LED indication
Sensor Status
LED Flashing RED every
Sensor is not paired and is
searching for a network.
LED Flashing YELLOW every
0.5 seconds
Sensor Identify Mode (See
Identify Cluster)
It is possible to force specific features within the sensor
by holding the PCB push button and releasing at certain
points of the BLUE LED sequence. To perform one of the
below tasks, press and hold the PCB button, the LED will
begin to flash every 1 second, release at the relevant point
of the sequence to perform the associated task.
Blue LED Timing
Release after 1st LED flash
Force wake and poll parent
for messages.
Release after 2nd LED flash
Reports the current
temperature, humidity, CO2
and Power configuration
value. The corresponding
clusters need to be bound.
Release after 3rd LED flash
Not used
Release after 4th LED flash
Not used
Release after 5th LED flash
Initiate OTA update process
Default and recommended settings
Factory Default
Minimum Reporting Interval
60 seconds (Temperature and Humidity)
600 seconds (Co2)
0-65536 seconds
Maximum Reporting Interval
300 seconds (Temperature and Humidity)
1800 seconds (Co2)
0-65536 seconds
Delta Change Reporting Threshold
Temperature = 0.5°C
Humidity = 3%
Co2 = 50ppm
Polling during normal operation
6 Seconds (Default). The polling rate can be altered via the Long
Poll Interval attribute within the Poll Control Cluster. Please note
accelerated polling will occur once OTA is initiated.
16 = 4 seconds
1200 = 5 minutes
(range specified in 0.25 seconds)