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9. Troubleshooting and FAQ
1. Device doesn’t turn on
1) You cannot turn on the device when the battery charge is below the critical level, please charge the battery.
2) Press the RESET button on the top of the device and check if it is restarting normally or not.
3) Check if the charger is connected correctly.
2. The stand-by time of the device is too short
1) The duration of the lithium battery varies with environmental temperature changes and the service conditions. If
the environment temperature is too low or too high, the duration of the battery will be affected. It is recommended to
use this device at normal temperature.
2) Battery life is dependent on usage. High volume, WIFI, and the frequent use may cause the battery to be drained
at a higher rate.
3. No sound via earphone
1) Please check if the volume setting is 0.