Click on the MAP button on the menu bar. You
should now be able to login using the blue LOGIN
FORM on the right of the screen. Once you are
logged in, you are able to register the unit with the
tracking site.
click on the ADD DEVICE icon in the TISOMAP
DEVICES window.
Enter your registration or name and the IMEI
number of the unit, from the side of the cardboard box. You should also choose an icon for you vehicle.
When you are finished, press
Your unit should now appear in the TISOMAP DEVICES window, like our example in the picture above.
It will take a few minutes to first come live onto the web page.
You now need to send an SMS to the unit to activate the tracking, simply send it the word
and it
will start sending data to the website.
Don’t be worried if your tracker seems to move about on the map initially, this is just the
process of connecting to the server and updating its position. This will only happen the first time power is applied to the unit.
In the TISOMAP DEVICES window, the icons either are clickable or display information
GREEN TEXT = Move pointer over item to display info
BLUE TEXT = Clickable item
You can see the last time the unit reported its position by moving your pointer over the icon you have selected.
The quickest way to locate the position of your unit is to double click on the “CENTRE & ZOOM IN” magnifying
glass icon.
It costs around 5p/hour to track a vehicle with the Asda SIM, but it does not cost anything when the vehicle is
stationary, as it should not send out data when it is not moving, but will display its last position.
Sometimes the unit can update its position when stationary, if it does not have a good quality lock, such as when
in some types of garage or in a multistory or underground car park.
If you want to stop tracking the unit online, send a SMS with the command
to the tracker.
The unit will stop internet data transmission and revert to the settings used before you set it to Track mode.
This stops you being charged for data usage.
The unit is always monitoring its position and you can turn tracking on at any time at any point by texting
The unit will still send alarm SMS messages if data transmission is turned on or off.