Now you will program the unit with the first authorised mobile number that it will accept commands from.
You will need to find your IMEI number.This is a 15 digit number starting with 3582, printed on a sticker on the side
of the box.
Keep your IMEI number safe and secure, this is your unique number that you will need to register on the website
with, or if you ever want to do a factory reset of the unit.
You need to send a SMS to the tracker’s SIM number (printed on the opposite side of the box to the IMEI). Make
sure you include the colon at the start.
The command is
If the imei is 358212230091234 his will set the phone that sent the
message as Authorised Mobile Number 1
To make it as clear as possible, we’ve spelt out the command down here. Type the characters without the spaces
The number you have chosen will receive a confirmation message back, and will also receive one after every
change to settings that you make, though you can choose to disable these later. This might take up to five minutes
if you have only just supplied power to the unit, as the battery has to initially charge before activating the unit.
Your Tracker comes pre-configured for the Asda SIM and should now be ready to go on-line.
The Asda SIM has an initial free 24p credit included, but you should now top-up the credit.
You can call
0845 303 2732
from any phone, input your SIM number and check your balance, register your top-up
card, or register a credit or debit card for top-up payment.
Go to
and create an account, the
link is at the bottom of the blue LOGIN FORM on the
right hand side of the page, and is circled red in the
picture on the right.
If you cannot see the full login form, as shown in the
picture, press the plus button in the top corner of the
window to expand it.
Enter your Name, Username, Email Address, and
Password in the boxes provided.
You will then receive an email with a confirmation link in,
you need to click on this link to activate your account, before you can login.
Once you have followed the link, you should be taken back to the Tiso site, and should see the message
Activation Complete! Your Account has been successfully activated. You can now log in using the username and
password you chose during the registration.”