© 2008 Timberline Tool All Rights Reserved.
Static Electricity Safety
Use a proper grounding rod at all times to insure personal safety.
PE pipe is a relatively low conductor of electricity. As a result PE
pipe does build up a static charge when it is in gas service due to
the gas fl ow on the inside of the pipe. During squeeze-off a larger amount of static
charge builds up.
In addition to the potential for pipe damage due to static discharge, the build up
of a static charge represents an ignition source. Timberline Tool recommends
that you follow all of your company grounding techniques and that all personnel
involved in squeeze-off operations receive training on those grounding procedures
so that they understand the hazards involved.
Workplace Safety
Prior to using any squeeze-off tool, consult ASTM Standards F1041-
02, F1563-01 and F1734-03.
Always follow applicable company and OSHA safety procedures.
Observe pipe manufacturers’ recommendations and precautions for squeeze-off of
polyethylene pipe, exercising particular caution when leaking gas is present.
Safety fi rst. Timberline squeeze-off tools must be used by qualifi ed, trained per-
sonnel only and must never be left on the pipe unattended. Refer to pipe manufac-
turers’ recommendations for locating squeeze-off distances from fi ttings and joints.
Personal Safety
Stay Alert, watch what you are doing, and do not use tools while
tired or under the infl uence of narcotics, alcohol, or medication.
Use proper clothing, eye protection, and safety equipment when
using squeeze-tools.
A moment of inattention while operating squeeze-off tools may result in personal injury.
Store idle tools out of reach of children and other untrained persons.