Rev A 4/07
The Add button is used to add a remote device to your network that is not on the displayed list in
the lower panel, for example, a device currently on another logical network. Users are advised to
locate the Device Passwords for all devices they wish to manage and add them to the local
logical network by clicking on the Add button. A dialog box will appear. The dialog box allows
the user to enter both a Device Name and the Device Password.
A confirmation box will appear if the pass word was entered correctly as in Figure 5.
Figure 5
The Scan button is used to perform an immediate search of the HomePlug devices connected to
the computer. By default the utility automatically scans every few seconds and updates the
Privacy Screen
The Privacy dialog screen provides a means for managing the local network and providing
additional security. All HomePlug devices are shipped using a default logical network (network
name), which is normally “HomePlug”. The Privacy dialog screen allows user to make the
network private by changing the network name (network password) of devices. The user can
always reset a HomePlug network to the universal one (public) by entering “HomePlug” as the
network name or by clicking on the “Use Default” button. See Figure 6.
The device must be present on power line (plugged in) in order for the
password to be confirmed and added to the network. If the device could not
be located, a warning message will be shown.