TIDE and Tibbo BASIC User Manual
©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
display any errors (if you copied the project as it is, there should be no errors).
will show you the project building, uploading, and running.
Once the status bar says RUNNING, you may press the button on your device to
see it blink "Hello World" in Morse.
For further information about these topics, please see
Compiling a Final Binary
The binary executable file you compiled in the previous step is called a
. This type of binary is used while creating your project and debugging it.
When you decide your project is ready to be deployed in the real world, you should
compile a
. To do this, select Project > Settings and uncheck the
Debug version checkbox.
The next time you will press F5, a release binary will be created and uploaded to
your target. It will automatically start running and will not provide any debug
This release binary file also remains on your hard drive, inside your project folder
). You may take it and upload it to any number of
Programming with TIDE
The topics below attempt to give you a general understanding about working with
Tibbo Basic. An attempt has been made to lay them out as logically as possible; it
would be advised to just read them from top to bottom and follow the links every
time you don't understand a term.
The section called
provides an overview of the general
structure of a Tibbo Basic project, and also discusses the debugging process.
The next section,
, then delves into the specifics of
Tibbo Basic programming, including the differences between Tibbo Basic and other
languages you may know.
Managing Projects
Each program you will make with Tibbo Basic is actually a project. Projects include
certain files, and have a specific structure. They are compiled into binary files,
uploaded onto your target and debugged. Below you will learn about:
Creating, Opening and Saving Projects
Adding, Removing and Saving Files
Making, Uploading and Running an Executable Binary
The Structure of a Project
A project is a collection of related files and resources, which are then compiled into
one final binary file, uploaded onto a target and run. It includes actual source files,
HTML files (if any), images (if any), etc.
The actual parts of a project are: