Programming with TIDE
©2000-2008 Tibbo Technology Inc.
Project Settings
The Project-Settings dialog is platform specific. It can look like this:
Platform: This is the platform definition file. In the image above, EM202 is the
Customize: click to access the list of option available for your platform. These are
"global defines" (for a
, which typically include options such as
whether a display is present, display type, etc.
Project name: A descriptive name for the project.
Debug version: If checked, the compiler will build a version of this project which
can be debugged using the various debugging facilities within the IDE, such as
step, watch, etc. Also, debug versions are not automatically run on upload or
reboot; release versions are run on upload or reboot, and cannot be debugged
using the various debug facilities. By default, this is checked. Once you've
debugged your project and wish to deploy it, uncheck this and build your final
Output binary file name: The name for the bin file of the compiled project.
Transport: Ethernet is not the only potential means of communications between
the TIDE and the target. Depending on the hardware you are programming for
there may be no Ethernet interface at all. This selector allows you to choose an
alternative transport protocol for debug communications.
Target address: Platform specific. Different platforms use different
communication media between TIDE and target -- TCP/IP, serial, etc. Thus, their
target address may not always be a MAC address. This goes for the browse button
as well -- not all platforms have this button.