Adhesives -
You will need two types of adhesives for the
Sparky - Epoxy and Instant (cyanoacrylate) adhesives.We
recommend that you purchase both 10-minute and
30-minute epoxy to cut down on assembly time, but you
can get by with only 30-minute epoxy if time is not
important. You will also need a small bottle of both
“Thick” and “Thin” instant adhesive.
Tools -
Model assembly can be much easier if the prop-
er tools are used. As you will notice, many household
tools can be utilized during construction. Besides above
tools, some other tools or materials like T-Pins, Scissors,
Drill and Drill Bits, Fine Felt Tip Pen, Rubbing Alcohol,
Masking Tape will be used when assembling.
I. Wing Assembly
Locate both wing halves and the two dihedral braces. Mix a small
amount of 5-minute epoxy and glue both dihedral braces together.
With the two dihedral braces together trial fit the braces in each wing
half.With dihedral brace in one wing panel, trial fit it to the other wing
panel, assuring no gaps from leading edge to trailing edge.
Mix up a small amount of 30 minute epoxy and apply to both
sides of both inner ribs and dihedral brace slot. Insert brace into one
wing panel before putting wing panels together. After wings are
together, wipe off excess epoxy, tape and set aside to cure.After epoxy
is cured, glue the wing protector at the joint of the trailing edge.