Mix up an ample amount of 30 minute epoxy and apply to the inner
ribs on each wing panel and Dihedral Joiner and make sure you have
plenty inside the wing joiner slot. Slide the wings together, tape
around the joint, and wipe off any excess epoxy. Set aside for 1 hour.
Using 5 minute epoxy, attach the Wing Dowel Plate and wing
alignment Dowels and let sit for 30 minutes.
Measure the top and bottom to find center of the Wing Protector.
This will be used to center the protector on the trailing edge of the
wing panel. Place the protector on the wing panel and mark around
the three sides with a pen or marker.
Remove the protector and then remove the covering material inside
the lines. Be careful not to push through the balsa; remove only the
Apply a liberal amount of medium CA to the exposed wing panel
and place the Wing Protector on it, holding it until the CA sets.
Iron the enclosed Trim Tape at the wing joint.
Sharp the Wing Bolts as shown.
Screw the Wing Bolts inversely so the sharp ends just a little high-
er than the saddle of fuselage.