1 0
38. See the servo manual and install the eyelet and
grommet then secure the micro servos in the
servo tray with the wood screws that comes with
the servo.
39. Connect the servo wire to the receiver and turn
on radio then thread the pushrod to the servo
horn and secure the servo horn on the servo
when servo is in neutral position. See page 13
for servo direction of movement if servo is in
opposite direction then check radio manual and
reverse the servo.
40. Install the switch of the electric speed controller.
(photo shown is Ace ESC-10) Do not over
tighten the screw as it may crush the Styrofoam.
41. Use double sided tape to fix the ESC and
Receiver inside the fuselage. Drill a small hole
on the fuselage at right side then thread the
antenna through the fuselage. Route the
antenna to the tail and tape it in place.
42. Locate the sponge then cut two small pieces
and use as spacer to keep battery in case firmly.
43. You will have to bow the cover plate to close or
pry with finger to remove the cover plate. Note
the opening is facing to the tail.
44. Locate the canopy and trim it along with the
molded line as shown.
45. Glue it in place with epoxy and note the notch is
in line with the wing saddle so the leading edge
of the wing could go in.