The Tour headpiece can easily be detached and used as a
portable headpiece for cervical adjusting. Simply lift the
back end of the headpiece until the T-bar disengages from
the locking link. Snap the T-bar into the receiver clip on
the underside of the headpiece for storage. Remove the
pivot pin from the front of the headpiece. Place the head-
piece on a stable surface. You can use the straight drop
and forward motion drops. Please note that it will not raise
up/down or flex/extend when not mounted to the table.
Neutral position.
Narrower position for smaller faces
(eg children).
Wider position takes pressure off of
the patient's eyes.
The headpiece cushions are adjustable in width for patient comfort. Firmly pull up on the front end of each headpiece cushion and
move in (one or two notches) or out (one or two notches) to the desired position. Secure cushions by engaging locating pins into
notches provided.
Headpiece Operation
Note: A stabilization base for the portable headpiece is
available from Thuli Tables to distribute the drop forces
over a broader surface.