O-Band Tunable Laser Source
Chapter 6: TLX3 Full Operating Instructions
Rev B, April 20, 2022
Page 8
TLX3 Full Operating Instructions
Follow the Quick Start Guide to get the laser connected to a PC and turned ON. The GUI should appear as shown
in this image (in Manual Mode). The laser can always be turned ON and OFF using the button in the top right. The
indicator light on the front panel of the actual laser should also confirm the ON/OFF state.
There are three operating modes described below: Manual, Stepped Sweep, and Continuous Sweep. These are
selected by clicking on the radio buttons as shown in the image above.
6.1. Manual Mode
This mode (as shown in the image above) allows you to simply set the operating wavelength and step it manually
using on-screen buttons. The wavelength can be set directly by typing into the “Wavelength Target” box at the lower
left or by clicking and dragging the wavelength indicator label above the wavelength scale. Specific step sizes can
also be entered in the “Wavelength Step” box. In that case, the wavelength can be precisely stepped up or down
by clicking on the + or – indicators. The actual wavelength and output power are always reported near the top of
the GUI window in large, yellow font. The units of the power measurement can be set (either mW or dBm) via the
Options menu button.