HA0368T Rev C May 2019
Chapter 6
Persist Settings to Hardware
The parameters described above, together with the ‘Mode’ parameter set via the GUI
panel, can be stored (persisted) within the unit itself, such that when the unit is next
powered up these settings are applied automatically. This is particularly important
when the unit is being used manually in the absence of a PC and USB link. To save
the settings to hardware, check the ‘Persist Settings to Hardware’ checkbox before
clicking the ‘OK button.
MMI Display
In certain applications, it may be necessary to adjust the brightness of the LED display
on the top of the unit. The brightness is set in the
Display Intensity
parameter, as a
value from 0 (Off) to 100 (brightest). The display can be turned off completely by
entering a setting of zero, however, pressing the MENU button on the top panel will
temporarily illuminate the display at its lowest brightness setting to allow adjustments.
When the display returns to its default position display mode, it will turn off again.
Furthermore, 'Burn In' of the display can occur if it remains static for a long time. To
prevent this, the display is automatically dimmed after the time interval specified in the
Display Timeout
parameter has elapsed. The time interval is specified in minutes in
the range 1 to 480. The dim level is set in the
Dimmed Intensity
parameter, as a
percentage of full brightness from 0 (Off) to 10 (brightest) but is also limited by the
Display Intensity
parameter if this is lower. These settings are only visible and active
if the
Dim device display on inactivity
box is checked.
Triggering Introduction
The K-Cube solenoid controllers have two trigger ports that can be used to read an
external logic signal or output a logic level to control external equipment. TRIG1 is
preconfigured as an input and TRIG2 as an output. The active logic state can be
selected High or Low to suit the requirements of the application. Electrically, TRIG2
outputs a 5 Volt logic signal and TRIG1 is designed to be driven from a 5 Volt logic.
In the input mode, the logic levels are TTL compatible, i.e. a voltage level less than
0.8 Volt will be recognised as a logic LOW and a level greater than 2.4 Volt as a logic
HIGH. The input contains a weak pull-down, so the state of the input with nothing
connected will default to a logic LOW.
The output provides a push-pull drive of 5 Volts, with the maximum current limited to
approximately 8 mA. The current limit prevents damage when the output is
accidentally shorted to ground or driven to the opposite logic state by external circuity.
Warning: do not drive the TRIG ports from any voltage source that can produce an
output in excess of the normal 0 to 5 Volt logic level range. In any case the voltage at
the TRIG ports must be limited to -0.25 to +5.25 Volts.