ELLB Distribution Board for Resonant Piezo Motor Products
Chapter 3: Operation
Page 4
3.2.1. Distribution Board Description
Figure 1 ELLB Distribution Board
Power Supply Connection –
5 V, 2 A, compatible with PSU supplied with ELLXXK kits or TPS101 T-Cube
PSU. External diameter 6.3 mm, Internal diameter 2.1 mm.
M1R to M4R
allow the reception of each of the four drive channels (M1R to M4R) to be enabled or
disabled by the fitting or removal of the associated jumper. If the jumper is removed, the drive channel can still
be addressed, but no response from the associated stage can be received.
allows the INM LEDs on the PCB to be enabled (jumper fitted) and disabled (jumper removed). If the
jumper is fitted, the LED will be lit when the associated stage is moving.
These pins can be connected to a Raspberry or Arduino board instead of the USB
Interface board to control the ELL stage modules connected to the distribution board.
GND and 5V
are for use with an external power supply, 5 V 2 A.
Drive Channel Connectors (1 to 4)
– These connectors allow either an interface board or a stage module to
be connected to the distribution board.
– Lit when the associated stage is moving or busy.
3.2.2. Interface Board Description
The interface board supplied with the Elliptec Stage Evaluation Kits provides for USB connection to the host
Moves cannot be initiated using the FW, BW and JOG buttons on the interface board. Moves must be performed
using the Elliptec software running on a PC, or by writing a custom application using the messages described
in the communications protocol document.
The PWR LED (LED1) is lit green when power is applied to the unit. The INM LED (LED2) is lit red when the
device being driven is in motion.
Figure 2 Handset Details