Scientific Grade Digital Video Camera
Chapter 5: Operation
ITN000089-D02, Rev H
Page 29
Chapter 5
The 1500-series cameras can be operated using the ThorCam and ThorImageLS imaging applications. For more
details on using ThorCam and ThorImageLS features, please consult the ThorCam and ThorImageLS User
Starting the Camera
With the camera software installed and the camera connected as instructed, turn on the camera power supply. A
green indicator on the supply indicates it is operating.
In the case of Gigabit Ethernet cameras, two green indicators should light on the camera’s Gigabit Ethernet
connector several seconds after power is applied.
An orange light indicates a 10/100 connection, not a Gigabit Ethernet connection. If this occurs check
that the camera is connected to the proper network interface on the PC. A Gigabit Ethernet connection is required
for camera operation.
Camera Timing Diagrams
Figure 18 Timing Diagram – Standard, Frames per Trigger = 0 or > 1