Overview of the ThinkRF R5550
Overview of the ThinkRF R5550
The R5550 Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA) is a high-performance software-
defined RF receiver, digitizer and analyzer. It is designed for stand-alone, remote,
distributed, and/or embedded real-time spectrum analysis, monitoring and intelligence
ThinkRF has patented software-defined RF receiver technology that provides industry
leading combined sensitivity, tuning range, instantaneous bandwidth and scan rate.
Additionally, the R5550 provides real-time sophisticated triggering, search and loss-less
capture of signals of interest using an integrated patented digital signal processing
The R5550 is ideal for monitoring, management and surveillance of transmitters, whether
they are in-building or spread across a geographic area. Applications include but are not
limited to spectrum analysis, 5G wireless technology, research, test and measurement,
spectrum monitoring and OEM integration.
The R5550 Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer provides Gigabit Ethernet for stand-alone,
remote and distributed applications. ThinkRF supports a rich set of industry-leading
standard protocols and APIs, enabling the R5550 to easily integrate into your new or
existing applications. Standard protocols include the Standard Commands for
Programmable Instruments (SCPI) protocol for controlling and obtaining status from the
R5550 and the VITA 49 Radio Transport (VRT) protocol for digitized data and its
associated context information. APIs are provided for interfacing and performing data
acquisition and spectral analysis with Python™, C/C++, MATLAB® and LabVIEW®
Applications can also be built within the PyRF development framework. PyRF is built on
the Python programming language and is open-source under BSD licensing. PyRF
handles the low-level details of real-time acquisition, signal processing and visualization,
and provides feature rich libraries, example applications and source code, all specific to
the requirements of signal analysis.
ThinkRF R5550 Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer User Guide