© Thermoteknix Systems Ltd 2020
Saved images
FevIR Cam saves images during an alarm condition according to the timer setting in the
alarm tab of the Setup dialog.
There is a small icon for viewing the saved image folder in Windows Explorer. And a
button for viewing the image. The operator can also view the image by double
clicking the thumbnail.
The images are saved with date and time specific file names. Images older than 12
months will be automatically deleted by the system to conserve disk space. Any
images that must be kept need to be archived before they become older than a year.
Archived images restored to the system should not be restored to the FevIR Cam
directory or the system will detect that they are older than a year and delete them
again. If the operator sees an interesting image they want to keep they can press F4
or select “Save Image” from the menu and the system will immediately save an
image regardless of any other settings.