© Thermoteknix Systems Ltd 2020
Setup Menu
The FevIR Cam application has one dialog box with functionality grouped for
convenience under five tabs. Settings can be changed in any of the five tabs and they
will all be saved when “OK” is selected and discarded when “Cancel” is pressed.
Saved values will be restored to the system when the FevIR Cam application is re-
Alarm Tab
Warning Temperature
The “Warning temperature” can be used to identify subjects with elevated
temperature but not exceeding the “Alarm Threshold” temperature. This feature can
be enabled or disabled by clicking the tick in the radio button.
hreshold temperature
is used to set the alarm condition, temperatures
detected at this temperature and hotter will activate the alarm.
Temperatures above the
limit are not drawn in red or used to trigger
alarms. This useful feature means that hot articles that are irrelevant to fever
monitoring do not cause spurious alarm conditions.