ISQ EC and ISQ EM Mass Spectrometer Preinstallation Requirements Guide
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Only skilled personnel are permitted to install the detector and to establish the
electrical connections according to the appropriate regulations. Thermo Fisher
Scientific recommends always having service personnel certified by Thermo
Fisher Scientific perform the installation (for brevity, referred to as Thermo
Fisher Scientific service engineer).
If a person other than a Thermo Fisher Scientific service engineer installs and
sets up the module, the installer is responsible for ensuring the safety of the
module and system.
General Operation
The detector is designed to be operated only by trained and qualified personnel
in a laboratory environment.
All users must know the hazards presented by the detector and the substances
they are using. All users should observe the related Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).
Personal Protective Equipment
Wear personal protective equipment and follow good laboratory
practice to protect you from hazardous substances. The appropriate
equipment depends on the hazard. For advice on the hazards and the
equipment required for the substances you are using, refer to the
material handling and safety data sheet provided by the vendor.
An eyewash facility and a sink should be available nearby. If any substance
contacts your skin or eyes, wash the affected area and seek medical attention.
Protective Clothing
To protect you from chemical splashes, harmful liquids, or other
contamination, when performing any work on or near the LC-MS or IC-
MS system put on appropriate protective clothing, such as a lab coat. For
information about the proper handling of a particular substance and for
advice on specific hazards, refer to the safety data sheet (SDS) for the
substance you are using.