Setting Up the Thermo Foundation Instrument Configuration
Configuring the Agilent LC System’s Modules
Agilent 1200 Series Getting Connected Guide for LC Devices
Thermo Scientific
Configuring the Agilent 1200 Series Autosampler
Use the autosampler’s configuration dialog box to specify its module name; the stack IP
address; configurable instrument options such as the size of the syringe, seat capillary, and
loop capillary; the tray type you are using; and whether the system has an optional thermostat
To specify the configuration options for the autosampler
1. Follow the procedure
“To add the LC modules to the Foundation instrument
2. In the Instrument Configuration window, under Configured Devices, double-click the
icon, and then do the following on the General page (
Figure 16.
General page of the Agilent 1200 G1367 HiP-ALS dialog box (example)
• If you installed the contact interface board in the autosampler, select the
Board Installed
check box.
• In the Stack IP Address box, make sure that the IP address is
All of the Agilent LC modules in the stack share the TCP/IP settings. Changing the
value of a setting for one module in the Instrument Configuration window changes
the value of that setting for all modules in the stack.
• If there is more than one model number in the Module Name list, select the model
number located on the front, lower-right corner of the module.
When you select the Contact Board Installed check box, the Timed Events
page appears in the Instrument Setup view for the autosampler. See