Engine Model
TK 270F (Tier 4)
Fuel Type
Caution: Use fuel suitable for the climate you operate in
(see your truck engine manufacturer’s recommendations).
Blending used engine oil with diesel fuel is not permitted in
the TriPac system. It will plug the filters and will not allow
the air heater to run properly. Thermo King reserves the
right to void all warranty on the unit.
No. 2 Diesel fuel under normal conditions
No. 1 Diesel fuel is acceptable cold weather fuel
Oil Capacity: Crankcase & Oil Filter
6.5 quarts (6.2 liters) maximum.
Engine Model
TK 270F (Tier 4)
Fuel Type
Caution: Use fuel suitable for the climate you operate in
(see your truck engine manufacturer’s recommendations).
Blending used engine oil with diesel fuel is not permitted in
the TriPac system. It will plug the filters and will not allow
the air heater to run properly. Thermo King reserves the
right to void all warranty on the unit.
No. 2 Diesel fuel under normal conditions
No. 1 Diesel fuel is acceptable cold weather fuel
Oil Capacity: Crankcase & Oil Filter
6.5 quarts (6.2 liters) maximum.