DALI commissioning
Manual DALI gateway S64 KNX/S128 KNX
ECG easy replacement
When a DALI segment is commissioned, the short address, group assignment (if applicable) and
other configuration data are programmed onto the ECG’s internal memory. If you need to
replace an ECG because of a fault, you need to program this data onto the new device.
The DALI gateway KNX offers a function that makes it possible to quickly and easily replace
individual ECGs. The “ECG quick exchange“ can be started in the ETS.
The gateway first checks if any of the configured ECGs that are known to it have been reported
as faulty. Then the segment is searched for new, unknown devices. If a new device is found, all
configuration details of the old ECG are automatically programmed onto the new one and the
installation is immediately ready again for operation.
However, the ECG quick exchange only works if just one ECG within a segment is faulty and
replaced by a new one. If several devices are faulty, the ECGs have to be identified and you must
use the post installation function.
Please remember that the quick exchange is only possible for devices of the same type.
You cannot, for example, replace an ECG for self-contained battery emergency lamps
with a device for LEDs.
If a quick exchange is not possible because of any of the conditions above, the gateway
terminates the process with an error code. The different error codes have the following
Error type 7: No ECG fault
Error type 8: More than one ECG faulty
Error type 9: No new ECG can be found
Error type 10: ECG has wrong device type
Error type 11: More than one new ECG
Data restore of DALI configuration
This command is used to completely restore a DALI gateway KNX, for example, by replacing it
with a completely unprogrammed device.
In this case all DALI relevant data from the ETS are written onto the device. Once this process is
complete, the device is restarted automatically. This function only applies to the DALI
It is therefore essential to carry out a normal ETS download for the ETS parameters and
communication objects.
We recommend you do an ETS back-up after you have completed the configuration.