Reinstall half ball on end of down rod.
Besure that stopper pin is inserted through
down rod and seated in half ball. Tighten set
screw against down rod.
Slide fan canopy over down rod and carefully rest
on top of fan body.
Run fan wires through selected down rod. Reinstall
stopper screw from step (3) and firmly tighten set screw
on fan collar against down rod.
Note: If ceiling height allows, using a longer down rod
will increase airflow and efficiency.
stopper pin
set screw
Remove stopper pin and half ball from small down rod by
loosening set screw on half ball. Set parts aside for step
stopper pin
set screw
Insert one blade into rotor slot. Using blade screws
from hardware package, secure blade to blade arm. Start
all three screws before completely tightening. Repeat for all
Remove set screws on the sides of the hanging bracket.
Lift canopy to ceiling. With holes in side of canopy aligned
with set screw holes on hanging bracket, reinstall set screws
to hold canopy in place.
Lift fan to ceiling and set half ball in the hanging bracket
so that the ridge on the edge of the hanging bracket is
seated in the slotted channel in the half ball.
set screw
channel and ridge
With fan safely suspended by bracket, make wire connections with wire nuts included
in hardware package as described in the control installation instructions. If using the
optional #003, #004 or #005 control, the receiving unit should be placed inside the
arms of the hanging bracket and connected at this time.