Jetmaster 850 Bedrock Outdoor Flueless Fire Hebel Heat Cell (N.T.S.)
The 75mm Hebel Heat Cell to contain the firebox, is able to be in contact with timber framing on the base sides and
rear of the firebox. The exception being that no timber or combustible materials is located within 600mm of the top
outer face above the firebox.
Build the timber frame out for the Hebel Heat Cell to the following internal clear dimensions (this can be either at
floor level or at an elevated level above floor level) as shown on Fig. 3
W = 1090mm H = 785mm d = 450mm
the following installation sequence should follow:
Line the interior framing with 75mm thick Hebel panels cut to the below sizes. Secure Hebel Block to timber
framing. Glue panels on abutting faces.
Hebel Cell Block sizes are;
Base 1090 x 450 : rear panel 1090 x 635 : side panels 2 x 635 x 375 : top 1090 x 450
A floor protector (hearth) is not required for a timber deck in front of the fire.
Slide the Jetmaster 850 BROFF Firebox into place inside the Hebel Heat cell, ensuring it is centralized. Take
note that the thickness of the outer surface material must be taken into consideration and allowed for before
the firebox is secured to the Hebel base and framing.
Secure the firebox in place with 4 x SS tecscrews or similar into the underlying Hebel base / timber framing, as
earthquake restraints.
The firebox has a central 15mm dia. gas entry hole drilled into its rear situated 50mm above the base.
Fit the gas burner, ensure the front legs are screwed to the firebox to secure the burner in place, connect the
gas and randomly place the 20 Bedrocks on the vermiculite bed in the burner tray as required. There are 20
rocks provided with each fire in sets of 5 of varying sizes. Additional rocks may be purchased if required.
Finally, commission the fire. Ensure the pilot weather shield is in place over the pilot assembly.
Fit the SS weather cover to check the handles lock the cover in place. Adjust the handles if necessary.
Installation Instructions for a Timber Frame out
Rev02 Dec 2014