LGA DevKit Things User Guide
6 Operating the LGA DevKit with a DSB
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Operating the LGA DevKit with a DSB
LGA DevKit on DSB-Mini
The LGA DevKit supports a 2x40pin connector at its underside, compatible to the DSB75/DSB-
Mini. A DSB may be a port extender for an RS232 interface, a second SIM or an analog audio
interface. When operating the LGA DevKit with a DSB the following settings can be adjusted.
Use the "PWR" switch to select the power source. If you select "EXT", the DevKit expects
the power on the DSB connector. If you select "USB", the DevKit is powered by its USB
ports, and the DSB expects a separated power source.
Use the "ASC0" switch to select the first UART. If you select "RS232", the modules ASC0
is conducted to the DSB and can be accessed on the D-SUB connector. If you select "USB"
the UART can be accessed via USB VCP port
Note that the USB VCP bridge will be in reset state while "RS232" is activated. As a conse-
quence the interface is de-enumerated on host side.
Also note that in order to reliably switch between the USB VCP bridge and the RS232 inter-
face, the DSB Mini requires an additional 47k pull up resistor. See red box in
Figure 13:
LGA DevKit on DSB-Mini