But always remember your vehicle is not a car and is small and vulnerable
– If you need to turn right across traffic,
try to get on to the footpath before the turn and then use a safe pedestrian crossing or traffic light control crossing.
Only try to turn right if you are completely sure it is safe to do so. Do not rely only on your mirror. It may give a
false impression of distance. Always give clear indication of intention to turn left or right.
– the car you can see when you look behind may appear a long way away, but it is almost certainly
moving faster than you are, often deceptively so. It could well be upon you before you complete your maneuver.
And it may not be able to stop in time.
When passing a parked vehicle
– take great care you are not moving into the path of a faster moving vehicle
coming behind you, or towards you. Always signal your intention to pull out.
In the event of a difficult or dangerous situation
– Use your hazard lights – But do not drive with them on