©Copyright Task Force Tips LLC 2012-2019
LIB-065 August 30, 2019 Rev 01
Flow testing must be conducted in the following manner.
Automatic (Constant Pressure) Spray Nozzles
1. The nozzle shall be mounted so that the fl ow rate and pressure through the nozzle and the pressure at the inlet can be
accurately measured.
2. The fl ow rate shall slowly be increased to the maximum rated fl ow, and the minimum and maximum pressures through
the fl ow range recorded.
3. Nozzles shall maintain their rated pressure ±15 psi (±1 bar or ±100 kPa) throughout the rated fl ow range.
A record of testing and repairs must be maintained from the time the nozzle is purchased until it is discarded. Each TFT nozzle is
engraved with a unique serial number which, if so desired, can be used to identify nozzle for documentation purposes.
The following information, if applicable, must be included on the test record for each nozzle:
1. Assigned identifi cation number
2. Manufacturer
3. Product or model designation
4. Vendor
5. Warranty
6. Hose connection size
7. Maximum operating pressure
8. Flow rate or range
9. Date received and date put in service
10. Date of each service test and service test results
11. Damage and repairs, including who made the repairs and the cost of repair parts
12. Reason removed from service
NFPA 1962: Standard for the care, use, inspection, service testing, and replacement of
re hose, couplings, nozzles and
re hose appliances.
(2013 ed., Section 5.5.4). Quincy, MA: National Fire Protection Agency.
Factory service is available with repair time seldom exceeding one day in our facility. Factory-serviced nozzles are repaired by
experienced technicians to original specifi cations, fully wet tested, and promptly returned. Repair charges for non-warranty items are
minimal. Any returns should include a note as to the nature of the problem and whom to reach in case of questions.
Repair parts and service procedures are available for those wishing to perform their own repairs. Task Force Tips assumes no liability
for damage to equipment or injury to personnel that is a result of user service. Contact the factory or visit the web site at www.tft.com
for parts lists, exploded views, test procedures and troubleshooting guides.
Performance tests shall be conducted on each nozzle after a repair, or anytime a problem is reported to verify operation in accordance
with TFT test procedures. Consult factory for the procedure that corresponds to the model and serial number of the nozzle. Any
equipment which fails the related test criteria should be removed from service immediately. Troubleshooting guides are available with
each test procedure or, equipment can be returned to the factory for service and testing.
All replacement parts must be obtained from the manufacturer to assure proper operation of the product, and to maintain approval
of the device.
Any alterations to the nozzle and its markings could diminish safety and constitutes a misuse of
this product.