©Copyright Task Force Tips LLC 2021
LIY-350 January 13, 2021 Rev00
Nozzle A flows 500 gpm (1900 L/min) at 100 psi (7.9 bar), K factor = 50
Nozzle B flows 1000 gpm (3800 L/min) at 100 psi (7.9 bar), K factor = 100
Nozzle C flows 1500 gpm (5700 L/min) at 100 psi (7.9 bar), K factor = 150
Figure 3.2A
Radius Monitor Operating Envelope, 3” Inlet
Nozzle A flows 500 gpm (1900 L/min) at 100 psi (7.9 bar), K factor = 50
Nozzle B flows 1000 gpm (3800 L/min) at 100 psi (7.9 bar), K factor = 100
Nozzle C flows 1500 gpm (5700 L/min) at 100 psi (7.9 bar), K factor = 150
Figure 3.2B
Radius Monitor Operating Envelope, 4” Inlet
Damage or injury could result from operating the monitor beyond the safe operating envelope. Do
not operate the monitor outside the envelope in the following graph(s).