Configuration Specification
Initialization and Configuration
HANDLE hService;
This is the handle to the service as returned by the NETTOOLS function
corresponding to the type of service requested. Its initial value should be
NULL, and it is initialized by the service callback function when the service
is started. The value is needed to shutdown the service when the configu-
ration is unloaded.
uint Mode;
The mode parameter is a collection of flags representing the desired exe-
cution behavior of the service. One or more of the following flags can be
CIS_FLG_IFIDXVALID – Specifies the IfIdx field is valid.
CIS_FLG_RESOLVEIP – Requests that IfIdx be resolved to an IP ad-
dress before service execution is initiated.
CIS_FLG_CALLBYIP – Specifies that the service should be invoked
by IP address. (This is the default behavior when IFIDXVALID is not
set, but this flag can be set with IFIDXVALID when RESOLVEIP is also
set. If IFIDXVALID is set and this bit is not set, the service is invoked by
physical device index.)
CIS_FLG_RESTARTIPTERM – A service that is dependent on a valid
IP address (as determined by the RESOLVEIP flag) is shutdown if the
IP address becomes invalid. When this flag is set, the service will be
restarted when a new address becomes available. Otherwise; the ser-
vice will not be restarted.
uint Status;
The status parameter contains the service status as detected by the Net
Control service callback function that initiates the service with NET-
TOOLS. The value of status should be initialized to NULL. Its defined val-
ues are:
CIS_SRV_STATUS_DISABLED – Service not active (NULL state)
CIS_SRV_STATUS_WAIT – Net Control is waiting on IP resolution to
start service
CIS_SRV_STATUS_IPTERM – Service was terminated because it
lost its IP address
CIS_SRV_STATUS_FAILED – Service failed to initialize via its NET-
TOOLS open function
CIS_SRV_STATUS_ENABLED – Service enabled and initialized