The adjustment shall be carried out by the means of the adjustment bolt on the rear brake.
After adjusting you shall push down the foot pedal until you feel resistance. Thereafter check
that the pedal goes back correctly.
After adjusting always check the effectiveness of the brakes.
The hand break and foot brake shall be adjusted the same way.
10.7. Filling with oil
Check oil level.
Always check oil level before start.
Unscrew the screw that indicates the oil level, clean the oil
stick and rescrew, thereafter you can check the level.
The oil level shall be between the top and bottom line of the
scale. If it is below this level you shall refill with oil until it
reaches the top line, you must not fill over the top line.
Replace the screw after filling and clean up.
Too much or too little oil will affect the power of the engine. It is therefore important that you
keep the oil level between the two lines.
Oil recommendation
We recommend engine oil in the viscosity 15W/40. However, always consider the areas and
climates in which your Texas King Street-Rider is used.
Rear brake