Gear cable and throttle cable:
The gear cable and lever are fitted on the
right side of the handle, and the throttle
cable on the left side.
Note – Oil and petrol are not included
Oil and petrol:
Oil and petrol are not included with the
machine. Fill the motor with 0.6 litres of
SAE 30 motor oil and octane 92 or 95
unleaded petrol.
For further information about the motor, see
the attached motor manual
92/95 Octane
SAE 30 Oil
Maintenance of gear
The gear has been equipped with moisture/grease when sent from the fabric. In case that the stuffing box
starts to leak or breaks, it may be necessary to refill with moisture/grease. When necessary please refill with
Multifak e.g. EP-O until it runs out of the filling hole when the machine is placed in horizontal position.
When using the machine, wear tight-fitting work clothes,
strong working gloves, hearing protectors and boots with
non-skid soles.
Operation and adjustment:
The Hobby 300 tiller is intended for use in vegetable
gardens and flower beds. It can also be fitted with various
accessories for a number of different uses.
Read the motor manual carefully, especially the part
about starting and stopping. To start the motor, give full
throttle, pump the choke and pull on the start cord until
the motor starts.
When the gear lever on the right side of the handle is
pressed down, the rotor blades begin to turn. It is
important to press the lever all the way down, i.e. towards
the handle, to ensure optimal tension of the belt which
transmits power from the motor to the transmission.