Android Development Kit for Sitara
Microprocessors (ANDROIDSDK-
Although originally designed for mobile handsets, the Android Operating
System offers designers of embedded applications the ability to easily add
a high-level OS to their product. Developed in association with Google,
Android delivers a complete operating system that is ready for integration
and production today.
Linux EZ Software Development
Kit (EZSDK) for Sitara Processors
Linux SDKs provide Sitara developers with an easy setup and quick out-
of-box experience that is specific to and highlights the features of TI's
Arm processors. Launching demos, benchmarks, and applications is a
snap with the included graphical user interface. The Sitara Linux SDK also
allows developers to quickly start development of their own applications
and easily add them to the application launcher, which can be customized
by the developer.
TI Dual-Mode Bluetooth Stack
TI’s dual-mode Bluetooth stack enables Blu Bluetooth low energy
and is comprised of single-mode and dual-mode offerings implementing
the Bluetooth 4.0 specification. The Bluetooth stack is fully Bluetooth
Special Interest Group (SIG) qualified, certified and royalty-free, provides
simple command line sample applications to speed development and has
MFI capability on request.
Bluetooth Service Pack for WL18xx
The Bluetooth service pack is composed of the following four files: BTS
file (TIInit_11.8.32.bts), ILI file (TIInit_11.8.32.ili), XML (TIInit_11.8.32.xml),
Release Notes Document, and License Agreement Note.
The Bluetooth Linux Add-On package contains the install package, pre-
compiled object, and source of the TI Bluetooth Stack and Platform
Manager to easily upgrade the default LINUX EZSDK Binary on a AM437x
EVM, AM335x EVM, or BeagleBone. The software is built with Linaro
GCC 4.7 and can be added to Linux SDKs that use a similar toolchain
on other platforms. The Bluetooth stack is fully qualified (QDID 69886 and
QDID 69887), provides simple command line sample applications to speed
development, and has MFI capability on request.
WiLink Wireless Tools for
WL18XX Modules (WILINK-
The WiLink Wireless Tools package includes the following applications:
WLAN Real-Time Tuning Tool (RTTT), Bluetooth Logger, WLAN gLogger,
Link Quality Monitor (LQM), HCITester Tool (BTSout, BTSTransform, and
ScriptPad). The applications provide all of the capabilities required to
debug and monitor WiLink WLAN/Bluetooth/Bluetooth low energy firmware
with a host, perform RF validation tests, run pretest for regulatory
certification testing, and debug hardware and software platform integration
Development Tools
The MCP package contains the install package, precompiled object, and
source of the proprietary Wi-Fi driver - QNX, Nucleus, WinCE as well as
ThreadX, FreeRTOS, µC, MQX, RTX, and uITRON RTOS baseline image
to easily integrate the TI WiLink Wi-Fi drivers. The integration is supported
through third party vendors. The WAPI package provides the WPA Supplicant
patch to support WAPI security protocol. The Sigma package provides the
required APIs for WL8 code to support automated Sigma certification testing.
11.1.3 Device Support Nomenclature
To designate the stages in the product development cycle, TI assigns prefixes to the part numbers. These
prefixes represent evolutionary stages of product development from engineering prototypes through fully
qualified production devices.
WL1801MOD, WL1805MOD, WL1831MOD, WL1835MOD
Copyright © 2021 Texas Instruments Incorporated
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