Appendix A
SPRU722C – November 2004 – Revised October 2006
Revision History
This document was revised to SPRU722C from SPRU722B. This appendix lists only revisions made in the
most recent version. The scope of the revisions was limited to technical changes as shown in
Table A-1. Changes for Revision C
Addition, Deletion, Modification
Added the 280xx family to the description.
Added a boot ROM version per device table.
Updated the ITRAP vector information and added a note to the table to explain the change.
Added this section to describe the behavior of the ITRAP vector within the CPU vector table.
Added info for devices that do not have an eCAN-A module.
Inserted information for version 4 of the boot ROM code.
Moved the version and checksum information to this section.
Added code listing section to show changes as of V4.0 of the boot ROM code.
SPRU722C – November 2004 – Revised October 2006
Revision History