Global Input Parameters
TLV2553EVM-PDK Operation
SBAU247A – June 2015 – Revised September 2019
Copyright © 2015–2019, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TLV2553EVM-PDK Evaluation Module
EVM GUI Global Settings for ADC Control
Although the EVM GUI does not allow direct access to the levels and timing configuration of the ADC
digital interface, the EVM GUI does give users high-level control over virtually all functions of the TLV2553
(such as interface modes, sampling rate, input channel selection, and number of samples per channel).
Only the software power-down and output format control are not supported.
identifies the input parameters of the GUI (as well as their default values) through which the
various functions of the TLV2553 can be exercised. These are global settings because they persist from
one tool to another (or from one page to another).
Figure 10. EVM GUI Global Input Parameters
The GUI allows multiple input channels to be addressed, one at a time. However, channel
addressing is performed only in ascending order. There is no provision for users to specify a
desired channel scanning order.
The last three of the 14 analog input channels are the internal self-test inputs, command
register (CMR) addresses 11 through 13, as described in Table 2 of the TLV2553 data sheet.
describe the data collection and analysis features of the EVM GUI.